Content Library Categories

As a Service Provider, you can edit and remove  Content Library Categories. To do this, click on the Custom Data menu item under Administration.

Scroll down to the  Content Library Category table

From here you can add and remove categories. The default categories displayed cannot be deleted, but they can be hidden. To hide a default category double click the category, deselect the Enabled checkbox (1), then select Update (2).

This Category will no longer appear in your  Content Library or in the Assessment Type dropdown

To add a new category, click the Add button at the top of the  Content Library Category table

Add the category name (1), pick the color which it will be displayed in the  Content Library(2) and then make sure the Enabled checkbox is ticked (3) so it will appear. Once you're happy, click Update (4)

You can see that the category has been added to the  Content Library

The category colour will appear at the top of each  Content Library item

The category will also be available for selecting when creating an Assessment or Assessment Template