Creating Spoke Templates

Our client template functionality allows Partners to create templates that can be used to easily spin up prepopulated client accounts to support different types of engagements.


Creating a Spoke Template

To create a new Spoke Template, select the 'Create spoke' button at the top right of the screen and hit 'Create spoke template'.

  1. Select the functionality tier respective to the spoke.
  2. Enter the Spoke Template name. 
  3. For more information on Spoke Licensing, click here.

A confirmation pop-up will appear to advise of the successful creation of the Spoke Template, click the Ok button to continue.


    Accessing a Spoke Template

    To access a Spoke Template, use the Type filter and select Templates. This will show all Spoke Templates available within the Hub.

    Select 'Go to [Template Name]' to start access the Spoke Template. 

    When accessing the Spoke Template, a blue information banner will be visible along the top panel to notify you that you are in a Spoke Template and not a real/live Spoke.

    Customizing a Spoke Template

    Once in the Spoke Template, you can setup the Template by adding and creating the relevant content.  

    Select items from the Content Library to add to the template.

    Download Authorities, which can be accessed from the Compliance screen.

    Create standard Assessment Templates, or download them from the  Content Library. Select Audits and Assessments and then templates to display the templates table.

    Controls can be created or imported from the Content Library. 

    Create and import Risk Registers and Risks.

    Create and import Issues and Incidents.

    Create Projects & Playbooks templates or download from the Content Library.

    Custom Data can be added/edited.

    See here for more information on adding content to Spoke Templates.

    Users cannot be added to the Spoke Template as it is not a real/live Spoke account.

    As such, tasks such as actions and assessments responses cannot be managed via Templates.

    Now that you have created a Spoke Template, learn how to create a new Spoke using a Template or link a Template to existing Spokes.